The company has completed the following projects
Istanbul - Serdari Ekrem: PP has renovated and fully let 1000 m2 for offices and fashion retail space.
Istanbul - Istiklal Caddesi PP has renovated and fully tenanted a retail showroom project of 250m2 in the 5th floor of the historic Misir Building.
Istanbul - Istiklal Caddesi PP has renovated and fully tenanted two office projects in a 1000 m2 area in the 6th floor of the historic Misir building (on behalf of EEPF).
Istanbul - Istiklal Caddesi : PP has completed the renovation of the1000 m2 Ravouna building, which incorporates retail and office space (on behalf of EEPF).
Istanbul - Istiklal Caddesi: PP has renovated and let the renowned 5000 m2 Markiz building for retail, office and parking (on behalf of EEPF).
Istanbul - Asmalimescit : PP has renovated and tenanted 700 m2 of office space in the Nils Passaj Building (on behalf of EEPF).
Istanbul Asmalimescit: PP has renovated and tenanted four restaurants and one flower shop in this neighbourhood. Each of these projects is approximately 200 m2 in area (on behalf of EEPF).
Istanbul - Cihangir: PP has completely renovated and rented out the Kadife Palas building including 1000m2 of offices and 200m2 café with 300m2 garden café (on behalf of EEPF).
Sofia - Obirishte : PP has completed and rented the 3000m2 office building on George Washington St in the centre of the city (on behalf of EEPF).